Legal Notice
FG Law Fernando Gutierrez, with registered office in Córdoba, Argentina, at Av. José Manuel Estrada Nº 96, Floor 6th Offfice “A”.
These general access conditions (the “Access Conditions”) govern access to and use by any person (the “user”) of the pages that comprise the web domain web www.iberia-
The user accesses the web page on his own responsibility. The sole purpose of the contents and services is to publish information about the activities carried out by FG Law. The contents of the web page may in no case be regarded as legal advice on any issue.
FG Law will make all reasonable efforts available to it to ensure that the contents and services included on its web page are accurate and up to date. However, FG Law is not in a position to be able to guarantee this situation at all times. In view of the fact that the user can download certain contents from the web page, FG Law has the necessary infrastructure available to avoid damage derived from the existence of computer viruses. Our antivirus system is reasonably secure and is updated with the latest features that the service provider makes available to us. For all these reasons, FG Law does not accept responsibility for potential damage or errors that the user’s computer system (hardware or software) suffers because of the presence of any virus when he accesses the web page or uses it. In addition, FG Law will inform the user of the technical specifications needed to download information and contents from its web page. The user is asked to pay attention to these warning messages since FG Law does not accept responsibility for any damages suffered by the user’s computer equipment if he has used the web page improperly or negligently.
FG Law has exclusive rights to the intellectual and industrial property rights over the contents of the web page, unless otherwise specified. A user may create a private copy of the contents solely and exclusively for his personal use. Any use or operation other than as stated above will require prior written authorisation from FG Law. Specifically, the user is prohibited from reproducing, distributing, communicating publicly (including the right to make available), converting, collecting and, in any other way, exploiting the contents appearing on the web page without the prior written authorisation of FG Law.
Access to the web page or use thereof does not involve collection of the user’s personal data by FG Law. However, the user is informed that, if FG Law asks for personal data, he will be properly informed in accordance with Personal Data Protection Act 25.326, of October 4th 2000. He is also informed that, if he accesses the web page or uses it, FG Law will be able to obtain the following personal data of the user: his type of Internet navigator and operating system, the IP address from which the user connects and the date and time of connection. Since it may be possible to identify him from some of these data, he is informed that they will be processed by FG Law for the sole and exclusive purpose of improving his connection to the web page. With regard to the processing of personal data, you are asked to consult our privacy policy.
Any link, hypertext, profound, framing, or any other type of virtual connection via telecommunications networks from any web site or URL address (“Links”) to the web page must be previously authorized in writing by FG Law and the link must in any event be established to its initial page.
FG Law wishes to explain that any Links to web pages of third parties contained on the web page are for the purposes of guidance only and the object thereof is to make available to the user other sources of information that may be of interest to him. FG Law regularly reviews the content offered through the Links. However, it is impossible to know the specific content of every link exactly and at all times. Therefore, if, at any time, any user or third party notices that these Links may be contrary to law, morality or public order or that they are capable of inciting to violence or sexual, ideological, religious or racial discrimination, please notify us at email address
In addition to the legal provisions, FG Law does not accept any liability in relation to the contents of the Links or to any damage or errors that, because of any virus present when these links are accessed or used, may be suffered by the user’s computer systems.
These Access Conditions are subject to Argentine law. For the resolution of any conflict that may derive from access to the web page, the user and FG Law agree to submit expressly to the courts and tribunals of the city of Córdoba -